Here is Table Four in my 1 through 10 series. 108" x 40", all steel painted white with slight distress. The raw steel finish is visible through the words "FOUR".
Mmmm. A new series of coffee tables. Numbers 1-5 will be done this week. 48" x 48" x 16", all steel with salvaged wood interiors (for support). Sa-weet.
These aren't the best pics ever, but you should be able to get the idea. We built the hanging wine rack with the companies name, Branson Ridge. We also built a bunch of rolling carts as well. Looks pretty good. All steel baby, all steel!
Here she is, the shop mule. A 1978 Honda CB550. I stripped off what wasn't needed and made a new rear section. Swaped the hand controls for those from a late model CBR600. Is it fast? Yep. Is it loud? Just look at the exhaust, 5" of screaming madness at 9,000 RPM. And the neighbors? Of course they love it...
Why it's a large door of course, and only one of three! This thing is 12'6" tall and 36" wide. We are doing three for some folks in Chicago to use as sliding doors. This photo shows the door post rust finishing and post door handles as I'm not sure how to handle the door "knob" yet. This thing is so big it makes me laugh, everytime we move them! HA!
Here ya go. The INVASION has begun. Table #3 in the Ten Table Series. Numbers #1 and #2, which are sold by the way, as well as table #9 in the Chicago Science and Industry Musuem can be seen here along with details.
NowthatIhaveyourattention,hello?,hello?IthoughtI'd post up some never before seen photos. The first is a set of 4 very large sliding steel doors created for the architecture firm Arcturis in St. Louis. These are in their new office conference room. Productivity increased 20% after these were installed. Crazy! Want to see other special stuff? Click here.
WELCOME! Now instead of working on paid projects, I can spend my time here, updating what's happening at John Beck Paper & Steel. Great, huh? The above image is from the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry's Smart Home exhibit, yes I built the table.